Local Outreach

Programs and services that support, encourage, and engage our community and friends


We work to help people in need by providing food, shelter, or funds as appropriate. People who are unemployed are provided assistance in finding jobs. In addition to meeting physical needs, we also hope to meet spiritual needs by offering counseling and Biblical instruction.

Extension Services

Each Sunday afternoon, a group of our men visit Merrill Gardens Senior Living facility and conduct worship services for the benefit of the residents of each home.


In addition to the outreach provided by our website, we also stream all worship services as well as one of our adult Bible class on Sundays and Wednesdays for the benefit of those who are unable to be a part of the assembly.

Visitor encouragement

We call, send cards, or visit local visitors to our worship assemblies or Bible classes who leave us their contact information. Our goal is to make all visitors feel welcome and important. We would love for every visitor to become part of our family!